Today was the first of many Skype dates with my friend that moved to Seattle. She sent me pictures of her new coffee maker and that she was trying the Seattle's Best brand hazelnut coffee. She said it was very good and that she will probably send me some so I can try it too. She also got a new mug at Target. Adorable, simple, and nicely sized. I might need to get one too. It reminded me of this cute cup and saucer setup that I'd seen at Cost Plus World Market a few months back.
I had a lot to do today so when it came to our date, I went with the simple 3-n-1 Asian coffee in my cherry blossom color changing mug. It was perfect, as usual, but it was the company that was the highlight. We eventually brought her brother on to Skype but since he was on his tablet, his camera wasn't enabled. He couldn't see my goofy kitten tossing her toys around but every time I got 'attacked' by the cat, my friend cracked up. Their belongings will arrive later this week so for now it's a slumber party in their living room where the tv is. I look forward to more Skype dates to watch their place become a home and see her cats being just as silly as mine.
Those pillows and blankets make a weird shape on the screen. |
Nugget wanted to be part of the call. |
Her cool new cup and wonderful view out of her living room. Her cat likes to hang out here. I can see why. |
Her new coffee maker. I can't wait for her to send me some of that coffee. |
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