My friend and I, prior to her moving to Seattle, tried to have a standing date to get together every Friday. Coffee, brunch, shopping, anything to get time to catch up on all the goings on in the world. Since her move, we are still trying to keep this going through Skype. So, this afternoon, she grab a cup (or 3) of the Seattle's Best hazelnut coffee and joined me online.
The husband and I decided to crack into another one of our discount Cost Plus moving sale finds. This time we went for the Chipotle flavored coffee. The bag advertises a hint of heat so I was a bit on edge before trying it. Smelling the grinds before pouring, there wasn't much of a different smell then any other regular coffee so it I figured it should be too bad. We brewed a pot in the French press and it smelled pretty good. As for the heat, zero. However, the coffee was flavorful and smokey with a sort of vegetable hint. I know that sounds like a weird way to describe coffee but the husband said, more specifically, a hint of green vegetable. I'm glad he got that too. Zero heat. Kinda anti-climatic considering there is a big chile on the front of the package. I'll send this one to my pen pals too and see what they say.
My friend and I chatted about how she should really be unpacking, this weird Rocky and Bullwinkle restaurant/amusement park she was reading about, and whether or not we had plans for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. As of now, that's a no for either of us.
I headed into work after chatting with her and had to stay for the late shift. One of the Night Auditors is on vacation and with this being the busy season, the other one needs the extra set of hands to help. We got a lot done together and still managed to have a cup of coffee together. He's so used to this late shift that his coffee was practically gone before I started mine. He gets the rest of the night to be at work so I don't mind that he got the head start on the coffee.
Very good coffee but definitely doesn't live up to its spicy name. |
Lies. |
She should really be unpacking but it's Friday. |
My Night Auditor makes a good cup of coffee. He brought me cream too. |
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