Monday, June 8, 2015

Iced Coffee to Cool Off

Yesterday was another long and busy day.  I hate when I don't have time to blog because the whole point of the blog is that I'm taking time out to enjoy the little thing in life.  Luckily, even though I didn't post, I had a very enjoyable day.
It's only the beginning of June and already the hot weather is starting up.  My friend had just spent the weekend at her friend's house and was flying home.  She came into the Burbank airport and heading over to my house to meet Nugget and have coffee with me before I had to work.  She came in the door with her hands full and she was beat from the hot drive back.  We figured iced coffee would be the way to go but neither of us wanted to venture out so the husband offered to try his hand at making some for us.
In the bag my friend brought it was all kinds of different Ghiradelli chocolates.  Sea salt, dark chocolate, I think I even saw caramel.  But she had picked a special bag up for me.  Mocha!
The husband used the bourbon coffee from Cost Plus to make a concentrated coffee base.  He added sugar, ice, and milk to our mugs and pour the base over.  It was perfect!  It was as if we had gone out to a shop.  You can taste the bourbon flavor much better served this way.  We had it with our mocha chocolate.  Perfect pair.  The chocolate had little coffee crunchy bits inside.  Due to the heat, the chocolate was already melting.
There was enough iced coffee for me to take some to work.  Two glasses of coffee really helped me make it through the night, especially the extra over time.

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