Monday, June 22, 2015


We watched 'Hector and the Search For Happiness' today.  It's based on a book, turned into a movie, by a French psychiatrist.  It had an interesting plot and since it was starring Simon Pegg, I was sold.  I won't spoil the movie for you, but if you haven't seen it, it was cute, kinda predictable, and slightly thought-provoking.  What I took away from it was that happiness means different things to different people.  You cannot gauge your happiness by someone else's.  Some people will never grasp this simple concept and will decide that they are unhappy, no matter what, because of someone else's status or their decisions.
I have always tried to live life thinking of the positives in every situation and enjoying the simple things in life.  Does that equate happiness?  I'm not really sure.  But I think it means in trying my hardest to be happy.  I also try to be realistic.  Someone who says money can't buy happiness, is an idiot.  The thing about money buying happiness is that is doesn't just benefit the holder.  Money can be used to bring happiness to others and in return, happiness to the giver.
I will continue to let the little things be the most important things.  Those things, when no longer around, will affect my happiness.  A comforting cup of coffee, a home cooked meal, a postcard in my mailbox, new socks, random product samples, clean sheets, big sweaters in the winter, green tea with a friend, a full tank of gas, inside jokes, freshly baked cookies, a beautiful drive... That's some of my list, what makes you happy?

The husband's and my coffee in the lobby of our hotel on our recent Seattle trip.  So happy.

1 comment:

  1. When my kids and grandkids are happy it goes a long way to helping my happiness.
