Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Don't Judge It Until You Try It or Mmmm... 99 Cent Store Coffee

What better way to end a do nothing day then by doing more nothing, but with a cup of coffee and a magazine.  I've been busy so I have been behind in my magazine subscriptions.  I don't have many, Eating Well and Cooking Light were sent to me by the Boss.  I always read and am up to date on Westways, the AAA magazine.  (Lavender festival is coming soon).  But my favorite magazine is the one I'm really behind on.  Everyday with Rachael Ray.  My dad has been getting me a subscription to this magazine since the year it debuted.  Every Christmas he renews it as one of my presents and last year he was able to renew it for four years so I'm set for a while.  I like reading it when I can really enjoy it, not at doctors appointments or at Goodyear, but at home with a drink and my feet up.  That way I can tear out the recipes without losing them or Google some new gadget she reviews to find a better price.  Overall, like coffee, it gives me a relaxing feeling and I just wanna take it all in.
As I was catching up reading my May 2014 issue of Rachael Ray, I chose an instant coffee.  This is one I haven't had before.  The husband and I were walking around the 99 Cent store the other day and they had a display of to-go cups, sealed with their lids, with the word cappuccino across it, so of course I had to take a closer look.  The picture on the front of the cup looked appealing enough and it was 99 cents, so even if it was horrible, I wouldn't feel bad tossing the one-time serving coffee.  The back of the cup gives directions how to make it, add hot water and stir, duh, and the ingredients list as well as telling you there is two other flavor options.  Irish vanilla and mocha were not available at the 99 cent store that day so we got the "original", as it says on the cup, and saved it for a do nothing day.
We took the plastic off and looked inside.  It smelled of cinnamon even with just the sealed package of coffee and a stirrer inside.  With its sturdy styrofoam cup and lid, this coffee was made for the person on the go.  I, however, only went as far as my couch.  We poured the water and stirred.  It smelled and tasted just like a churro.  I'd say it tasted like horchata but this had a great coffee flavor to it.  Cinnamon isn't usually what is used in cappuccino but in the company's defense, there is cinnamon sticks right on the picture on the front.  It was terrific.  I have had a lot of instant coffees before and I would list this in the top favorites.  It was smooth, not gritty.  There was some sediment at the bottom of the cup that I avoided but I only stirred it when I poured it.  I'm sure a second stir would have cleared that up.
Yes, I am making a total recommendation to check out instant coffee from the 99 Cent store.  It sounds weird but don't knock it if you haven't tried it.  If you find the other flavors, let me know.  I'd like to check those out too.

The lighting didn't catch the light brown color of the foam, as if we ordered this cappuccino at a coffee shop.

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