Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Warning: This blog is about to get real nerdy....
Today was another one of those busy days where there wasn't much time to take a breather.  Sure, I was able to have tea with my coworker but it was interrupted several times so it wasn't as relaxing as it should have been.  I had to wait until I got home from work to get my coffee and peace.
Here's where it gets nerdy.  The husband and I enjoy watching YouTube gaming play-throughs.  Yes, I realize that is so nerdy but we don't have cable and there are so many different people and personalities out there that you can always find something entertaining to watch.  One of our favorite people to watch is a guy who calls himself Sips. Originally part of a larger UK based group of YouTubers, this Canadian, living in Jersey, an island in the UK, now has his own channel.  His voice, for some reason has a calming effect, and I'm not the only one to think this.  At one point, his followers asked for him to read stories from books in a video game (Skyrim) because they felt the same way.
Knowing that I needed my unwinding time, the husband made me a vanilla latte, from one of my Asian store 3'n'1 coffee packs and we sat down and watched Sips.  For 30 minutes, I was able to sip my latte and let the strain of the day fall away.
If you feel like being a nerd with me or just curious to know the voice I'm talking about, I'll include a link to one of his episodes below. Just a heads up, there is language and adult topics/humor.  There are other channels that I can recommend if you're looking for entertainment but not the language.  I may have had to go the whole day before coffee break but I was able to take more then ten mins for it this time.

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