Sunday, July 5, 2015

Vacation is Almost Over

For the last day of my friend's visit home, we hung out at her mom's house, having leftovers and going through old stuff.  It was funny to look in the closets and see things that have been tucked away for years.  The dress she was baptized in, her grandmothers old favorite fur coat, random things that are fun to look at but will usually just lay in a closet until the next reminiscing.  Among some of the old things, we found some old how-to-draw books.  (I couldn't find a copyright date on any of these old books, but one did have a price tag of 2 dollars from Lumber City).  I thought is was hilarious that they expected you to be able to draw this professionally in 5 simple steps.  (You guys go ahead and try and let me know how well you do)
Just before my friend and her fiance had to head to the airport, we met up at the Coffee Bean by my house.  The California company doesn't have a Coffee Bean in Seattle as of now, so they had to get their fix like any native Californian gets an In n Out fix.
My friend got her usual, a half hazelnut half dark chocolate ice blended with and extra shot of espresso and whipped cream.  I've had it before, that's a really good drink.  I believe her fiance got a caramel ice blended with whipped cream, and the husband got a green tea lemonade.  The husband said his drink had too much sugary syrup and that it tasted like a Lemonhead.  Not really sure that is a bad thing.  I ordered a caffe latte.  I went in thinking I wanted an iced or blended coffee, but the weather today was gorgeous, so a hot coffee was calling my name by the time I got to the counter.  My coffee was perfect.  Smooth with a nice foam top.  We sat outside, smelling the smokey barbecue joint next door, but we were all still too full from mom's leftovers to go over and actually order anything.
We enjoyed our last hour together but you could see the return to regular life blues in their faces.  It's ok, we will see them again next month.

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