Monday, May 14, 2018


When it comes to this blog, anything coffee or tea goes.  I had a regular old French roast cup at my mom's house today in return for bringing her a bright bouquet of massive sunflowers, soft pink daisies, and other springtime blossoms to show her love for this Mother's Day.  Spending time with my mom is all she ever asks for when this holiday comes around, so that's what I did.  It was a nice visit but I had previous plans so I jetted off.  Once I was home alone for the evening, I remembered something I had in the liquor cabinet.  Calling it a liquor cabinet sounds so 1970's.  In reality, it's a small Ikea bookcase with a door on one side.  The open shelving side holds pint and red wine glasses.  Behind the door is where we hide the booze from getting spoiled by light and keep the good crystal champagne flutes out of dangerous cat tail territory.  The cabinet contains bar staples along the lines of vodka, an almost empty bottle of rum ("Why is the rum always gone"), a house warming gifted tequila, and a bottle of Merlot that should have been drunk months back.  Front and center in the same space is a gift I received at my surprise birthday party last summer.  A frosted bottle of Patron XO Cafe.  It has a rich coffee taste with the sharp sting of tequila.  Perfect in a White Russian, but the way I like it best is in a shot glass with a little half and half or good ol' coffee creamer.  Smooth taste followed by that warm you all over sensation.  Honestly, I don't see this replacing that morning cup of Joe but it could go nicely with a mimosa at boozy brunch party.  Maybe I've found a theme for next Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Follow My Booze. I'm sensing a new blog opportunity!
