Thursday, July 30, 2015

Nugget's, Well, Um.... Nuggets

As a responsible pet owners, the husband and I have to make sure our cat is taken care of.  She's had all of her shots and saw the vet shortly after we adopted her because she had the sniffles.  So when she finally got to the appropriate weight, which was over 3 pounds, we made an appointment to have her spayed.
The deal was to drop her at 8:30 in the morning and pick her up between 3 and 5:30 in the evening.  The shelter has a rule that if you adopt a pet that hasn't been fixed, you have to put down a $40 deposit as a promise to bring them back to have them neutered.  That pays for the procedure and it's a great way to help the shelter make the money to continue fixing pets for population control.
The staff ran a little late and there was a few people ahead.  Only one dog and about 4 cute kittens around Nugget's age.  Nugget was hungry but laid back.  She obviously didn't know what was coming.
We left and stopped for a breakfast and coffee date at McDonald's on the way home.  A couple of 'McBreakfast' sandwiches and a regular coffee.  The McDonald's coffee comforted my mind as I thought about what the little kitten was about to go through.  After breakfast, I went to work for a bit, ran some errands, and around 4pm we went to pick up Nugget.
She was a little out of it when we picked her up and we we got her home, she couldn't walk straight.  We felt so bad.  She had skin glue on the outside and dissolvable stitches on the inside.  She slept most of the rest of the day into the following day and by the next afternoon she was back to her playful self.  We gave her treats throughout the evening so she got her calories in without having to get up to eat.  It takes ten days for them to be allowed back to normal life, like bathing and such.  I'm really glad we got it taken care of.  I'm sure I was more stressed out by the whole thing then she was.  She's all done until she gets a check up next May or if she gets sick before then.  We're really starting to get this pet parent thing down.

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